How to find a job in Hungary?

by | nov 22, 2016 | Álláskeresési tippek a foreigner it is not so easy to find a job, especially if you do not speak Hungarian. That is why we collect some tips below, which  – we hope – can be useful for you:

Job portals

In Hungary there are some job portals – like us – where you can search jobs by categories, locations, companies and keywords, too. If you find a right job, you should attach your CV and then you can apply!

Passive job search

Maybe you have a workplace, but you want a better chance. We usually recommend to register with your CV, because our advertising partners many times do not upload a job postings, only look into our database for the best candidates.

Fresh jobs which are worth to check:

Direct apply

Beside the opportunities we mentioned above, you can also apply direct to a company. If there is a favorite company in Hungary, where you want to work, we suggest to send your apply even if there is no openings by the company. You should send your curriculum vitae and a cover letter, and explain why would like to work there and how could you contribute to the company’s success.

Ask for help

Another channel is your network. If there is a friend, or a friend’s friend who is work in Hungary, maybe he/she can help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Tell him/her what professional experience do you have and how position you want to apply for.

Have a successful job search! team

Szeretnél olyan munkahelyet találni, ahol tényleg támogatnak mindenben és kapsz fejlődési lehetőséget? ebben is segít, hiszen több mint 500 munkaadó 10.000 állásajánlata közül válogathatsz! Nézz szét legfrissebb állásajánlataink között, hogy megtaláld a számodra megfelelő munkahelyet! Ha még több esélyt szeretnél adni magadnak, töltsd fel önéletrajzod is, vagy kérj állásértesítőt, hogy elsők közt értesülj a legújabb ajánlatokról! Nem akarsz a nulláról megírni egy önéletrajzot? Használd önéletrajz sablonjainkat.